Sunday, September 25, 2016

doing a good cause

[Man with Anniversary Model Speed Graphic]
[Graflok Back, showing location of the distinguishing chromed sliders]

 according to research photograph is an image made by a phot chemical reactions which records the impression of light on a surface lined with silver atoms.
researcher Pieter.S Myers a Photogravure is  was developed in the late nineteenth century as image making method making more permanent  and more reproducible than the existing silver-based photographic processes. photogravure, which was printed
in the past taking pictures was slightly different from today they had to capture an image, the way pictures had to be taken required a bit of process, setting up the camera making sure that you had enough coal or light to be able to take the perfect shot.
I look at my picture that I had my husband take today it only took him just a second to take this it did not require him to do a lot this an image of me doing the ALS did not require any process at all just simply turn the phone on then snap the picture to get the image I needed.