here is a photo taken by Greg Marinovich, he spent most of his time covering the conflict that was going on in South-Africa between the whites and the blacks. this was a trying time in the history of South Africa the horrific scene like the image above. Marinovich was bale to capture to tell the story of what was happened over there. his motivation was the let the rest of the world see what he was seeing and it times it was dangerous but he did it.
photo taken by Yakubu
He is simply motivated by the fact he wants people to see his country Rwanda for the beautiful country that is.
photo taken by Yakubu
In this image he is showing a street kid how to use the camera he want to teach children how to overcome tragedy and still make something beautiful. http://www.vayando.com/rwanda/kigali/street-photography-with-yakubu/ Yakubu does not want to make people feel sorry for him or his country but just help then learn about his culture and how they have survived.
photo by Dan Eldon
Somalia image of conflict
Here is this photo is Dan Eldon in the middle with children from Somalia where he spent time covering what was happening there it seem like all photojournalist are motivated whether is self interest or to try and educate the world they each have their own way of being motivated and how they passed long what they find.
what motivates me are my
steady income
Here is this photo is Dan Eldon in the middle with children from Somalia where he spent time covering what was happening there it seem like all photojournalist are motivated whether is self interest or to try and educate the world they each have their own way of being motivated and how they passed long what they find.
what motivates me are my
steady income