Sunday, November 20, 2016

What motivates photojournalists

What motivates photojournalist are very different for each person some may do it for the fame and the chance to get their names recognized, others do it for the love of art while other photojournalist it because they want to and they can, other photojournalist do it of the fame and name recognition Greg Marinovich did it to let the whole world know what was going on in South Africa

photo taken by Greg Marinovich

here is a photo taken by Greg Marinovich, he spent most of his time covering the conflict that was going on in South-Africa between the whites and the blacks. this was a trying time in the history of South Africa the horrific scene like the image above. Marinovich was bale to capture to tell the story of what was happened over there. his motivation was the let the rest of the world see what he was seeing and it times it was dangerous but he did it.

Street Photography with Yakubu
photo taken by Yakubu

He is simply motivated by the fact he wants people to see his country Rwanda for the beautiful country that is.

photo taken by Yakubu

In this image he is showing a street kid how to use the camera he want to teach children how to overcome tragedy and still make something beautiful. Yakubu does not want to make people feel sorry for him or his country but just help then learn about his culture and how they have survived.

photo by Dan Eldon
Somalia image of conflict

Here is this photo is Dan Eldon in the middle with children from Somalia where he spent time covering what was happening there it seem like all photojournalist are motivated whether is self interest or to try and educate the world they each have their own way of being motivated and how they passed long what they find.

what motivates me are my
steady income

Monday, November 14, 2016

Bias and Photojournalsim

Image result for "Going Home", taken by Life Magazine photojournalist Ed Clark:
Photo by - Ed Clark Image Source -

In Ed Clark "Going Home" I see Gram Jackson playing a song  "Going Home " on his accordion as President Frankly Roosevelt funeral passes by. in this photo I see man truly moved by the death of our President of the president who brought our country together as one people. this image shows  the sadness and emotion not just Jackson but the people surrounding him.

 This image has a shallow depth, rule of thirds, subject's expression the black and white gives it the old vintage style look. it allows people to look closely a the expression of the people  and feel the pain in their eyes and faces.

Hillary Clinton makes a concession speech in New York
 photo by Jewel Samad
source of image:

Truth image: this image show a woman who has gracefully except her defeat in great strive, she looked sad that she lost but at the same time happy for her opponent. To me she looks confident and her smile speaks volume about her. she is very comfortable in the skin. This image was taken on the morning after she lost the election. according to professor Nordell  we must know the importance of publication that show us imagery   since the photo was taken by Jewel Samad of the AFP he was sent to capture images from this historical election, I am not sure if there is any bias here because of the fact that her was assigned to take the photos for AFP.  although the AFP is an international journalist new agency they cover more of the national new all over the world.

 the obvious main subject: in this photo the main subject is Hillary Clinton and her lost, her concession speech,in the back ground is her husband, running mate.

Keeping it simple: The photographer just kept this image simple and the image make us focus on the Hillary Clinton.

This image makes you feel sad because of the fact that she did not win she would have made history as the first woman president,  the look in her face says it all, sad yet happy for the outcome of the election.

Image result for photo by george merillon

photo by George Merrilon
image source

I think that image is not telling the whole truth, it has been in enhanced to dramatized the truth for viewers to see whats happening in Iraq. to me it looks like solders have been placed to make it look more according to bias is defined as a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation
I chose this image because of the dark background, and its over dramatized  for the viewers

this images clearly show the power that these soldier have over the men on the floor

Monday, November 7, 2016

Ethics in Photojournalism

The NPPA has a set of guidelines/codes of conducts for journalist to follow , there are about 9 codes that every photojournalist must abide by whether they are reporting from the front lines they must make sure that they are accurate in what they are reporting or taking pictures they should not change any thing about the image they have, distort it, also must make sure they respect their subject and give them dignity. in the case of one of TV journalist Brian William faking a war story
Image result for brian williams

photo by
 here is  a video of his 2003 story Jonathan Mahler,

but despite all the rules and regulations that has been set in places so journalist  follow and they don't

break these rules some how it always happens all the time some journalism seem to think they can decide on what type of news that can report.according CBS news Brian Williams faked his 2003 Iraq war story "NBC "Nightly News" anchor Brian Williams says he falsely recounted a story that he was in a helicopter that was hit by ground fire in Iraq in 2003 in part because he was "scared" about the events that were unfolding around him."

after his story was found to be true he was NBC put him on a six months suspension and and he was removed from his night time news position.

here is an example of an image that has been alter
Image result for images of photojournalist alter photo

photo by Mercy Dankyi-Amoah

 my personal take on ethics is that we are each have the understanding of choosing the right way of telling or retelling of events that happens. after that story of Brian Williams came out that he lied he apologized to the public, his bosses, co,worker, but that time it was too late. although Brian Williams was only suspended and did not really face any sort of any permit punishment  but his reputation, principles,integrity was questioned by NBC and follow worker.At some point we all make mistakes as long as we recognized it and expect whatever consequences that follows.